Thursday, May 27, 2010


Indian food in India - It's different than Indian food on the Upper West Side. It's not different in the sense that, for example, in China, chicken w/ broccoli doesn't exist - it's different in the sense that the first few times you eat Indian food, it just doesn't do wonders for your stomach. Getting accustomed to Indian food takes time. I've had to work my way up, starting with rice and ending tonight with a delicious and greasy Briyani (not featured). The normal recipe equation is: Indian dish + immodium= a worry free day.
Comida hindu en la india - es muy diferente que la comida hindu de Manhattan. No en el sentido que en la China, no hay pollo con almendras, pero en el sentido que tiene un efecto muy raro en tu estomogo. Acustombrarse tarda bastante. He tenido que entrenar mi cuerpo para aceptar la comida aqui. Normalmente, la receta para una buena comida es eso: comi hindu + medicacion anti-diaherial= una dia sin tener que preocuparse.

Chicken kebob (from my first night before the "fun" started). un Kebob de pollo.
Dosa Masala - a typical south Indian dish. It's a lentil crepe filled with curried potatoes. It comes with lentils and chutnies. una comida tipico del sur de la india. es un crepe de lentejas con patatas de curri. Se acompana con lentejas y chutney.
Street foods - various fried delicacies, such as somosas. Comida de la calle - comida frita.
Below is the fruit of this man's labor. Aqui tienes la resultado del foto de arriba.
Fresh fruits and vegetables. Kind of like Fairway, but Indian style.

Here is a sampling of some of the dishes.



  1. This is hilarious. It's crazy to me that the kid who couldn't deal with 4 weeks at towanda has no problem schvitzing like a pig and smelling and eating god only knows what. Keep up the good work. Love the fact that you have a bilingual audience.


  2. The food looks so yummy! Sounds like you had a bit of a bad first impression. Adam vs. Indian food. Verdict: Indian food. Judgment: no comment. Miss you!!! Keep it!

