Sunday, May 30, 2010

Embassy Eating - Last of three posts

A few months ago there was an article in the NY Times Travel section about how each state of India has an embassy in New Delhi which serves that state's regional food. See:

The embassy of the State of Andrha Pradesh was my last stop for the day.

For about $2, I ate until my heart was content/it was time to pop an imodium. The food looks like nothing short of slop, and it was, but it was delicious and spicy slop. I truthfully don't know what I ate and no one working there could explain, but I suspect some lentils, potatoes, cabbage, etc. Your choices are only vegetarian or non-veg. I chose vegetarian since the non-veg was chicken biryiani, which I've eaten the last few nights and because the veg option seemed to come with more options.

The cafeteria works like this: You say veg or non-veg. A tray is put on your table and men holding tins of slop, rice, breads, etc., come around and drop the food on your plate. This continues until you push the tray away from yourself. A photo of the tin used for serving is featured in my photos below as well as in the NY Times photo. I suggest looking at the NY Times article for a more accurate photo.

Don't be fooled by the photos below; what looks to be only 1/2 eaten is actually my second serving. By the way, most people eat with their hands; I chose to use a spoon.

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